Sunday, February 5, 2012 | | By: Admin
How To Run A Marathon

Get a core fitness level. If you can't run, walk, bike, or do some other aerobic activity for at least half hour at a time, you should work up to this first before attempting a marathon.

Get committed . Choosing which marathon you want to run is one of the best ways to do this. Not only do you turn your general plan (running a marathon) into a specific one (running the New York City Marathon on November 5th), but once you've paid the registration fee ( normally between $40-$100) you have extra financial enticement to run it, too! Find a friend to do it with. You'll encourage each other.

Pick a training plan that suits you. This is perhaps the most essential step. Training guides range all the way from ones that implore you to run three days a week to ones that require seven days a week of training, and can begin with 2 and 3 mile or 10 mile runs. There are some good ones on the internet; take the time to look around for one that suits your plans and your fitness level.

Stick with your training plan. It may seem monotonous to run day after day after day. You may not be able to fit in a run one day, or you might get sick or hurt. Its ok to miss a day or lessen a run every once in a while, but the important thing is to return to the set schedule as soon as you can. Marathon practice is a long, slow process, but it's the only way to reach your goal.

A few work out tips

1. Don't be a workout maniac . Many first timers practice feverishly thinking that more is better, particularly when results first appear. However, you're much better off easing into the process.

2. The best rep range for gaining size is eight to 20.

3. The two most important times to eat are when you wake up and after you train. You need fuel in your tank to practice hard, and if you don't 'fill 'er up' at breakfast, you'll be running on fumes later.

4. Difficult exercises are good for you, so resist the attraction to avoid them. Many exercises can be classified as either single-joint or multi - joint movements .Please visit this link for more information on: Run a Marathon and this link for an interesting article on Running Watch.

Article Source:

Marathon Training For Beginners

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Does anyone have the cool running couch to 10k training plan?

They pulled it off their site. I just finished the 5k plan and I am eager to start the 10k.

They didn't pull it off. Just google it, here it is.

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