James asks…
How do you belly breathe when running fast?
I know people say to breathe deeply with your belly when you run. But say your running fast and you just can breathe slowly and deeply. You have to have quicker breathes. Can you still breathe faster breathes more efficiently with your belly than your chest? Also, how should you breathe in air (in with nose or mouth? out with nose or mouth?)
admin answers:
Don't listen to anything about belly breathing ... That is something to practice to help make a side stitch feel better (a pain in the side) ... But just breath normal and let it be as fast as you need ... Just relax ... And be as natural a possible and you will use less oxygen which will help your running ... Peace, Roy
Richard asks…
How do I breathe when running fast speed at long distance?
I've practiced the deep-breathing technique, and it works, but only up to 7.5 mph running. I always get out of breath while practicing deep breathing when running 9-10.5 mph.
admin answers:
Take deep, full breaths, don't pant or gasp, don't try to time your breathing and use your nose and mouth.
Take in the amount of air necessary for the speed you are running.
If you exhale completely you will get a good exchange of air so you keep new oxygen in your lungs, if you shallow breath you are not getting rid of all of the CO2 and you will not get enough new air to supply oxygen to the cells.
Don't think about it and don't practice breathing, just breath.
Mandy asks…
How are you supposed to breathe when running?
I heard there is a correct way to breathing when running? Through nose, mouth, or combination of both? If combination, which first?
admin answers:
What they said, except i guess it wouldn't hurt to breathe in through both at the same time and out through your mouth having your mouth slightly open with your upper body remaining as relaxed as possible.
If you're sprinter sprinting in a workout, you'll complete a breath cycle with every second arm pump.
If your a distance runner, then the amount of times you breath in and out kind of varies with the how fast you run the workout and the individual. For example, my friend during our long runs breathes in and out every two steps, while i breathe in every 3 steps.
Read this though, i found it a pretty fun read and i learned something from it:
Helen asks…
how am I supposed to breathe when running?
I always tend to hold my breath.
because I can't breathe regularly when running.
admin answers:
Don't do that whole "in your nose, and out your mouth" thing. It makes you concentrate on that instead of your race,and you don't get enough air. Just try to think every step, or every other step to take a breath.
Daniel asks…
Best way to breathe when running and improving endurance?
Hi I am starting cross country soon so I was hoping for some tips on how to breathe during long distance running (like through nose out mouth or through nose out nose)
I also want to improve my endurance so please help me out with that to! Thanks!
admin answers:
You can try all sorts of methods but the body sort of knows what its doing and sorts its breathing out. If I am thinking about it I breath in and out for 2 steps However after a short distance there are other things to think about - like the track you are running along and obstacles.
To improve endurance its about going out there and running. You could try running up hills, down hills and along the flat, try short fast running training sessions and long runs. Basically get out there and run and vary your routes to keep it interesting
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