Mandy asks…
Are you really supposed to inhale through your nose and exhale from mouth?
I cannot do that!!! I never even knew ur supposed to do it that way!!! When I'm laying down or running I breathe through mouth. Maybe I always breathe through mounth. When I brrathe through nose it makes a lot of noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!y???????how to fix this problem??????
admin answers:
Well, the ideal way is to inhale through your nose because the little hairs in it serve as a filter.
Some people are mouth-breathers, though. This could be attributed to a sinus problem so you might want to consult a doctor if it really bothers you.
As to the part where you must exhale through your mouth...I don't know. I've been instructed to do it in the cooldown part of a work out and also as a way to lower my heart rate, but actually we are advised to inhale AND exhale through the nose in Pilates.
John asks…
How should you breathe when you're running?
Obviously through your mouth and nose lol, but I've heard of breathing in with your nose, out with your mouth, would that help? Or is there other ways to control your breathing?
admin answers:
Don't listen to anyone who says breathe in the nose or out the mouth! Do all of your breathing and exhaling through the mouth (trust me, I had to learn this the hard way). I like to count how long I inhale and exhale (in my head, of course) i count fairly quickly to 3 in and then to 3 out. Depending on how you're running, you'll need to adjust this. When I do cross country, I count to 3, but slowly adjust to 2 towards the end of the race (count to 2 in, count to 2 out.) But, when I tend to do 2 the whole time. Find what works for you. Oh, and if you get a stitch, intertwine your hands and put them on your head and relax.
Mary asks…
When sprinting, should you inhale through the nose and exhale through mouth, or no?
I know that when you run for long periods of time it is proven to be more effective if you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth....
But how should you breathe when you are sprinting?
admin answers:
I read that you should breathe however you're most comfortable when you're exerting yourself. For most people, this means breathing both in and out through their mouth. The reason is that breathing in through most people's noses does not allow sufficient oxygen for heavy exertion.
Ruth asks…
Breathing through nose while running?
How come people suggest you breathe through your nose while running? When I run I find it more difficult to breathe through my nose, whether it be in through my nose and out through my mouth or both in and out of my nose.
admin answers:
There is no 'correct' way to breathe while running. It is however you are most comfortable
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