George asks…
Will my Army running interfere with my half marathon training? We run three times a week 6 to 8 miles.?
admin answers:
No, you can incorporate that into your training schedule.
Adjust your program so you can use the Army running.
Steven asks…
half marathon 8 week schedule?
Doing the great west run in 8 weeks...(I know, I should have started training much earlier!!) have no idea how far or hard to train leading up to it
I had a spell of running 5 miles 5 times a week in about 42 minutes, but found my time wasn't getting any faster!
I'd like to run the half marathon in under 2 hours...probably not possible though!
Any ideas for training progs?
admin answers:
Just doing the sums, and if you maintain a consistent speed you can do 10 miles in 84 minutes and 15 miles in 126 minutes (just over 2 hours). So based on that you can run a half marathon in under 2 hours.
I am not sure about your lifestyle and you want to fit your running around your life. What most people do is to run a few times mid week -perhaps your 5 mile run say 3 times a week. At the weekend when most people have more time do a long run - at the moment go for 7 miles. Over the next couple of weeks increase the long run to maybe 8, 9 or 10 miles, go slow with the long runs, and increase your evening runs to 6 miles. This will give you stamina to complete the half marathon which for your first one is more important than the time.
Based on what you said with your 42 minute 5 miles you have the speed to go under 2 hours so get the stamina and away you go.
Oh, in your running week make sure you have some rests and also vary the route that you run. If you run the same route every night of the week you get complacent and just run at the same speed every time. Some variety and your mind keeps working and you will get faster.
Sharon asks…
What can I do to avoid injury while training for a half-marathon?
I'm on a rigorous 8-week plan training plan. If I get hurt once between now and February, I won't be able to run the race. Even if I'm recovered by then, I'll have missed a chunk of training.
What should I do to stay healthy?
admin answers:
Lots of water and a good stretching routine should help you stay injury free. Good sleep and lots of meat protein as distance runners burn lots of calories and not replacing these could also lead to injuries. I wish you well
Donald asks…
I'm training for a half marathon but I'm starting to get bored. How can I stay motivated?
I am following a 26 week training program for a half marathon. This is my first time ever training for a race with a distance any longer than 10km! I have reached week number 8 and I had been doing really good up until this point. I have been running 4 times a week (average of 3-4 miles, 3 times a week and a long slow run once a week, about 6-8 miles), cross training twice a week (usually i go for a 1/2 hour swim) and a day off. For the first 6 weeks, I was all into it. It took a while for my body to get used to all of this exercise but I stretch constantly and try to keep up with a healthy diet. But when I began my 7th week of training, something hit me, like a brick wall, and every single one of my runs that week felt like death. It had felt like I had not been training for the past 6 weeks and there was no dramatic increase in distance or intensity. Now that I am on my 8th week, I have lost my motivation and don't feel the desire to go outside and run anymore. I know that I have probably hit some type of plateau and that it is probably normal but I still have 18 weeks to go! What can I do to get out of this slum and try to avoid this situation from happening again and stay motivated? It's not like I can really switch up my workout because I have to run. I do try to run different routes each time. Any suggestions?? It's really important to me that I stay motivated for this 1/2 marathon!!
admin answers:
Twenty six weeks is a LONG time to train for a half marathon - especially since it seems like you've run races before. If you are getting burned out - it certainly won't hurt you to take 3-4 days off. If you don't feel the desire to run - then you won't stick with it. Perhaps take one short run day off and use it to bike around. Find the joy of exercise and how your body feels nice and fit.
My best advice, lock on that ipod, find a 5k benefit race, and get going. Music and good causes keeps me motivated. Picture that finish line and do your best.
Michael asks…
How do I know if I am ready to start training for a half marathon?
I run four times a week and usually run anywhere from 8-13 K on each run.
I have been running for around 5 or 6 months.
admin answers:
Go online, find a training schedule, and YEA!
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