Robert asks…
Foot Injury on top of foot.?
I have an odd ache on top of my foot, it began hurting last week, when I jogged my first 7 miles without stopping, ever since, I've iced it, and it still hurts whenever I run, and I compared my 2 feet and 2 bones aren't showing when I bend my toes down on my injured foot, anybody know what my problem is?
admin answers:
So it's an ache, not anything like a sharp, stabbing pain?
It might be either your shoelaces, or your shoes.
I had the same "ache" you were talking about, and sadly enough, both my shoelaces AND my shoes were a problem. First, my coach (I'm a track sprinter) relaced my shoes so that it skipped a hole where it hurt. I think it was the second highest hole that she skipped. Also, if you have that little center flap on the tongue of your shoe where the shoelaces are supposed to go through, don't bother putting them in. Just lace over them, or if that's around the area it hurts, skip that hole. As soon as she relaced my shoes, it relieved some of the pain, but not all.
And then we realized how bad my shoes were for my feet. They didn't offer the right kind of support, so I ended up buying a new pair of Nike Zoom Hayward 3's. Ever since, I've been running with no pain in my feet.
Because your shoelaces are laced in a way so that it hurts, or because your shoes aren't right for your feet, it might cause some inflammation, which could be an explanation of your bones not showing,
Mandy asks…
Injury to a tendon/ligament on the top of my foot?
I noticed one and then another foot get a sort of sprain. There's a tendon or ligament that runs from my big toe up the top of my foot to my ankle above my arch. It hurts to walk on it but I can place static pressure on it. Barefoot aleviates the pain while wearing any shoes hurts. The pain radiates from the center of that tendon/ligament parallel to the center of the arch. I feel my toes stiffening from this and cracking them helps.
admin answers:
The tendon you are referring to is that of extensor hallucis longus (EHL).
It sounds like this pain and stiffening is a result of Hallux Limitus.
The joint of the big toe (1st metatarsophalangeal joint or MPJ) bears a tremendous amount of force (6 x body weight) during regular daily activity.
If its range of motion in dorsiflexion is reduced, it severely limits the ability of the MPJ to distribute this force which is then transferred to adjacent sites (eg: the joints of the arch).
Alternatively pain such as this could be caused by damage to the Lisfranc Joint or a you suggested, soft tissue damage to a ligament or tendon. The chances of these occuring bilaterally (both feet) however are much less likely than hallux limitus.
Have a look at the sites below for more info and make an appointment to see a podiatrist for diagnosis and treatment options.
All the best!
John asks…
Sport Injury on the top of the foot?
About two weeks ago at a basketball game, I noticed that my foot was hurting. It was just vaguely hurt from then on, if a ran or had another game. I do remember a girl stepping on my foot, but I don't know if that is the cause. About three days ago it really started hurting. I can't even walk on it, but I know it's the same injury because it hurts in the same place. It's a little bit swelled. It hurts very badly, and when I touch it, it sends a pain through my foot. When I do try to walk on it, it pops, and it feels tight, aside from the bad pain. I'm not asking for medical advice, but I would like to know if this has happened to you or someone you know and, if so, what it turned out to be. I'm going to the doctor like tomorrow, but I want some sort of idea as to what it might be. Thank you so much. :)
admin answers:
I had something similer. The popping and tightness is probably from the fluid from the swelling. The pain is your body telling you you shouldn`t be on your foot until its healed. If its hot to the touch then you have an infection. Remember your body will aways give you signals when you have an injury.
As far as what it might be. It could just be a sprain or it could be a broken bone. Mine was a sprain. Either way they are treated same, I believe. Stay off the foot , elevate, and ice.
Your doing the right thing in going to the doctor.
Sandra asks…
Barefoot running injury?
Top of the foot. Have to run (I'm in cross country). Pain fluctuates.
Healing tips?
admin answers:
Sounds to me like excess arch collapse is causing compression on the top of the joints that form your midfoot region. You can either get some good arch suppports which will probably only encourage your foot to get weaker and thus collpase more. Or look to strengthen the muscles that control and govern the arch deflection. Either get into a foot specific exercise program or start using a biofeedback type insole like Barefoot Science, then start being barefoot as much as you can to strenghthen the foot's supporting muscles.
Mary asks…
Running injury? Or am I tying my shoe too tight?
The top of my foot hurts. The pain is mainly on the bone that connects to my big toe. Is this a sign of an oncoming running injury, or am I just tying my shoe too tight?
I know it's best to decide for myself, but I am just curious and it's fun to ask questions on yahoo answers lol
admin answers:
Ha! Ha! I could say that it is possible that it's because you tied your shoes too tightly; or it might be because you're running too much and too hard, causing your bones to break little by little. You should rest well after every training sessions or tournaments.
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