Thursday, December 8, 2011 | | By: Admin
Your Questions About It Band Injury Knee

Joseph asks…

Anyone here had jumpers knee and been through the military?

How did you deal with pain through basic? Could you put ice or a band on your knee or take an anti-inflammatory? Did the pain progress to a more serious injury? I can't find any info on someone overcoming this condition but I know a lot of athletes have it, and they're still on top of their game, so there must be a way!?!?! I want to join the military but this condition makes running everyday extremely difficult. Just want to hear from someone who's been in and had it.

admin answers:

I don't know that I have "jumper's knee", but I've had problems with my knees throughout my time in the military, including through basic, so hopefully I can be of some help.

In basic, you can't have any meds, unless they are given to you by a military provider at sick call. Anti-imflammatories, like 800mg Motrin, are easy to get, but for some reason they only like to give like 10 at a time in basic, which makes it a little more difficult. While you can technically go to sick call any time you need to, if you miss too much training you will be recycled to another class, so for me it was kind of a balance between getting meds and avoiding sick call. I can't say for sure how it would be for you, since I don't know where you'd go, but I had no problem getting ice most nights if I needed it, since the DFAC was part of the barracks structure.

Just keep in mind that you will be doing a lot of running, jumping, and walking throughout basic, and any pain you feel now will be magnified a few times over. Also, I doubt you would even be allowed to join if your MEPS knew of your issue, so there would be quite a bit of risk in trying to get it past them.

Donna asks…

Injury from Vibram Fivefinger barefoot shoes?

Ok so last month I got my first pair of vibram fivefingers because I thought that they would be great for the gym and running in general. I wasn't aware that I have an unually low arch, although not "flat feet", and I wasn't aware how much training is required to actually use these shoes. I was told that my feet were going to be using new muscles so I thought I would take it slow and just wear them around the house and quick walks around the park. I felt like I was progressing and then finally tried running with them on a turf field suface but I guess I rushed into it too soon? Well the next day I got what felt like some kind of combination of shin splints down my leg and pain in my ankle with a combination of tendinits in my knee...I've been wearing a jumpers knee band but the pain still shoots down my right leg. My left leg is completely fine. What should I do to get better quickly? I've been icing 20 minutes three times a day and taking advil in case of any inflammation. I've never had an injury like this before and I am playing Division 1 athletics next year so it is very important I am 100 percent healed. Any info or suggestions are very welcome! Thanks!

admin answers:

You'd've been better off just going barefoot as you need to feel of the ground under your feet to develop a proper barefoot stride.

Sandra asks…

staying in shape?

I used to run about 25 miles a week, and was infantastic shape. However, after a multitude of injuries (tight IT bands, knee pain, and now SHIN SPLINTS!) I cannot go on long runs anymore. I am still sprinting for track, but our workouts do notseem to keep me in shape very well, they just get my injured =(. RIght now it is break, and I am wondering what i can do to stay in shape. I CANNOT run whatsoever, but i can lift weights, but that is not cardiovascular exercise. What can i do?
for the first poster:
'The best indoor exercise machine is tread mill. Run on tread mill for at least 30 mnts daily. Try to extend ur period for one hour. "

Thats like a smack in the face! I cannot run.

admin answers:

Ride a bike

David asks…

Knee stiff after being bent, sometimes pops?

I haven't had any injury to my knee. If i bend my knee too long, when i get up it can be very stiff. Almost like something inside is pulling it back to bent position. Sometimes I get relief when my knee "pops". It will pop for no reason. I can be going to bed and it will pop, like you would pop a rubber band. For a while my knee is fine. No stiffness at all. Any thoughts?

admin answers:

My knee does the same thing. I think that it's completely normal. If you still don't feel comfortable with it, just go to a doctor. No harm in that, and if it's really something serious, please e-mail me!!!

Sharon asks…

Knee Injury?, What is this?

So, a Couple of years ago I actually have some Knee Injuries that I Just Rested and It was Gone, and I never had Knee Pains again until Last Sunday when I Bumped my Knee.

It Does not Hurt much, But lets say I Exercise for Basketball or at Least Put Weight on my Knee, It Somehow Hurts. I Can still Run and Jump but my Knee is Bothering me

Any Help?

Should I Wear a Patella Band?

admin answers:

Sounds like ya just need too rest up,
i doubt a pattella band would help,as,as far as im aware they are for repetative strains,from say ,``too much jogging`` puttin too much strain doin the same thing each day,
i`d just ice it and rest it for a bit and see how it goes,if ya just bumped it,it probably would hurt for a bit,like bumping ya head!

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