Wednesday, December 7, 2011 | | By: Admin
Your Questions About Running Injury Foot

Jenny asks…

tendon making a squeeky dry noise when moving foot ? running injury?

hi.. i havent been running for a few weeks because my tendon and ankle has been sore for awhile now, and wont heal.. my tendon makes like a screech noise, kind of like when a door is being shut slowly, ( like it is not lubed ), its hard to describe, i can still walk, and lightly jog, but thats it.. any more speed would hurt more!

admin answers:

Loose tendon.

Sharon asks…

I have a running foot Injury.?

I was running and after the race my right foot had a pain in right side in the center. Only on the right foot is the pain. I now can only walk on my right heal so there is not pain. Running is almost impossible to do. Anyone know what it is and how to help heal it.

admin answers:

You have a stress fracture. Don't run for six to eight weeks. Get a wooden shoe or post op shoe so you wont flex your foot. This is a common problem in runners, especially people who run from five miles a day to ten miles a day wanting to run a marathon. We had a runner that didn't listen to his orthopaedist and ended up with surgery. We told him to stop running and wear a wooden shoe and he decided to run anyway because there wasn't an obvious fracture on x-ray. He went running that week-end because he wanted to keep on training so he could run the marathon. He comes in Monday morning urgently because his foot was very swollen. The doctor sent him for another x-ray and he had made the fracture worse and it became angulated and started poking up to his skin. The doctor yelled at him and told him he needed to go to the university to have it fixed. He told him that since he wouldn't listen to him he couldn't take care of him. He told him he'd be lucky if he could walk after the surgery because the bone was so messed up.

Steven asks…

Running injury... toe/foot question?


I have recently started to run again and have developed a mild injury and I'm curious as to what it is.

I have been trying to stretch my milage and went pretty hard last time.

I didnt notice any pain at all until walking about 1-2 days after the running. It is a on and off burning pain between my big toe and my foot. It usually doesn't hurt but then it will burn quite a bit and go away again. Also, I noticed today when bending the toe its "creaky", it feels stiff and the best analogy I can think of it like a rusty door.

I looked up turf toe and orginally I thought that was it... however it doesnt hurt when I bend my toe upward.

Has anybody had a similar injury and have an idea what it might be.

I'm very disappointed because I was just getting my second wind back. I've been off it for a few days because the last thing I wanted to do was make it worse.


admin answers:

To me it sound more like a sprain than a fracture. If it is a fracture it will probably turn blue and swell up. If it is a sprain it might just be really sore. For sprains I Ice and exercise for fractures I would tape it for 2 weeks. I've had a similar injury and I would tape it and wear two pairs of socks while running. I'm pretty dedicated though and would tape sprained ankles so I could run. No pain no gain.

Paul asks…

Running injury... Toe/foot question?


I have recently started to run again and have developed a mild injury and I'm curious as to what it is.

I have been trying to stretch my milage and went pretty hard last time.

I didnt notice any pain at all until walking about 1-2 days after the running. It is a on and off burning pain between my big toe and my foot. It usually doesn't hurt but then it will burn quite a bit and go away again. Also, I noticed today when bending the toe its "creaky", it feels stiff and the best analogy I can think of it like a rusty door.

I looked up turf toe and orginally I thought that was it... however it doesnt hurt when I bend my toe upward.

Has anybody had a similar injury and have an idea what it might be.

I'm very disappointed because I was just getting my second wind back. I've been off it for a few days because the last thing I wanted to do was make it worse.


admin answers:

It just may be that your "toe box" in yourr shoes aren't big enough, try getting new shoes maybe

Sandy asks…

Mid Foot Injury After Running Long Distance Track?

Ok so I went on about a 4 mi run a few days ago and during the run I got a sharp pain on my medial mid foot area but i wasn't anywhere close to done so I just kept running and the rain helped numb my feet so i didn't really feel anything at the time.. But the next morning I tried to get out of bed a sharp pain started in the same problem area and shot up to about my ankle (kinda) so now when I'm walking I have to limp to avoid pressure and whenever I apply pressure I get the shooting pain.. I just want to know how serious this is or if I'm being a baby like my coach says..
P.S I haven't been running since the injury and If you don't mind give me some sort of treatment

admin answers:

You won't know how serious your injury is until you see a doctor (unless your coach is one). It could be a stress fracture or torn ligament or hopefully a lesser problem but if you are limping it is ridiculous to think it will go away by itself if you (or your coach) can't identify the problem. I can't suggest a treatment other than RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation). Anything other than that would require medical attention.

A suggestion and I've been running for 40 years. While your mind may tell you you aren't done with a run yet, a sharp pain is telling you that, yes, you are done. Listen to your body, it is what is doing the running and pain is how it tells you that something is wrong. Don't listen to it and it will speak up to make you listen.

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