Tuesday, December 6, 2011 | | By: Admin
Your Questions About It Band Pain In Hip http://bit.ly/v8Z25P

Ruth asks…

How can I cure illiac crest hip pain?

As a middle distance runner for the last 12 mnths, I have had increasing pain in my right illiac crest of my hip. I have been dilligent with stretching and monitoring distance and speed to ensure I don't overtrain. No expert to date has been able to relieve the pain. I know it is related to my illiotibial band of my leg, but even trying to strengthen my medial muscles has not helped. Any ideas on what is causing me so much grief and how I can relieve the pain so that I may keep up my running?

admin answers:

Over use of the muscles is causing the hip pain. You seem to be trying to do the right things by stretching and monitoring. I think you're going to have to take a break from running to give the muscles the rest they desperately need. Pain is always a message that something is wrong. Do water exercises and swimming to reduce strain on the body.

Apply a moist heating pad or hot towels to the hip for twenty minutes. This should start to relax the muscles. It would be ideal if you could get physical therapy and have ultrasound therapy to the hips, this is a deep heat penetration that works far better than anything else for relaxing muscles. I do recommend you get massage therapy at least once a week to relax the muscles.

When a muscle is tired - it is tired. I have severe hip problems so I know what it's like.

Lisa asks…

Hip pain during activity? (Mostly running)?

I am a high school cross country runner, and I have been running for 6 years. After the best season of my life started, I was running practice one day two weeks ago and my hip started hurting really bad. At first, it hurt only when i started off running, and when I ran a little more it was better. We were doing 800s, so when we stopped and then started running again, it would be really tight until about 400 m through the 800. After the 6th one I was limping some when I was walking. The next day, I was limping when walking and so I iced for a long time instead of running. The day after that, I tried to run only to be in pain and limp the entire run. Its hard to describe the pain except that it was on the side of my hip, right where the bone was and it was deep.. Like it didn't feel like muscle pain. So I took a couple of days off, and then tried to run a race. Needless to say, The race wasn't any better. I felt like I literally could not run fast no matter how hard I tried because my hip wouldn't let me move my legs fast. I limped the whole race and my gait was off and ran 2 minutes slower than I did in a PRACTICE 3 mile on that course a few weeks earlier. I took a few more days off and then tried to run again. Same issue. I limped and couldn't run normal and it hurt when my foot hit the ground. I iced my hip, did IT band stretches religiously, my trainer deeply massaged my hip, I went to a sports medicine doctor/chiropractor and he worked it out also and used the ultrasound machine on it. I tried to run again and lasted about 5 minutes. I was put on a medrol pack, (6 day steroid pack for inflammation) and then after that tried to run. The pack did not help at all. I went to a orthopedist and he took an Xray and it was normal. I took a MRI and that was normal also. I tried to run the day before the MRI, hoping it might be better.. No. It was worse. After 5 minutes the impact of my foot hitting the ground hurt so bad I almost couldn't make myself run. It was brutal. And no, I am not just a wimp. I ran with a stress fracture in my foot once all season and did not notice until I broke a toe and went to the doctor and he saw the healing fracture in my x-ray.

Anyway, The pain started off on the side of my hip, not at the top but a tiny bit down and it felt really deep and sharp when I ran.
Now it is kinda more back, where my butt is.. But not the muscle, really deep sharp pain somewhere in there.

Does anyone have any suggestions to what this might be?
Could I have a stress fracture that he might have just missed?

admin answers:

Jaylee has it.

It's your IT Band. It's tight and needs to be rolled and stretched. The pain is referring from that shortened band and is forcing you to unconsciously overcompensate with your hip. It hurts, I bet.

Wikipedia IT Band. It'll solve all your issues.

Good lucK!

Donna asks…

Why do I have pain in my hip from running longer distances?

After training for my half marathon, I had knee pain, which was an issue with my IT band that my sports doc diagnosed as being a result of having a weak hip.

After rest and working up my miles again, my knee and IT band have been fine, but the new issue is hip pain. My hip flexor, like in my groin area, hurts after six or so miles. Not during the run, but a few hours after the run, I start to feel it.

Did 8 miles today and it hurts! I stood for a long time tonight and then after tried to jog (just to my car, it was cold!) and it was pretty painful.

Any hints as to what it might be and how to help it?

admin answers:

I love running :)
I am always glad to help another runner out.

The best solution would be to only run three times a week and cross train the other days
Such as Run mon/wed/fri
Then swim tues/thurs.

Are you running only or doing any lifting too?
Eating lots of lean meat and fruits and veggies will always help.

I dont know if you can respond to these posts but talk to me and ill help you out more :)

Sandra asks…

I've been having pain in my groin that went into my hip. Pain subsided an came back just in my groin confussed?

For the last 3 week i had pain in my groin, that had gone into my hip. When ever i move i can fell something popping. Its been bothering enough to make me limp. The pain subsided for a few days and came back in my groin, lower back and lower stomach. I'm not someone to call sick in allot but the pain is making it hard to work. I feel this stabbing pain when i'm sitting down and it almost feels like a rubber band is around my groin. Some times my leg goes numb.

admin answers:

If you have medical coverage, I recommend you see a urologist specialist and have a diagnostic test done. That way, you can properly be diagnosis (to determine the extent of the condition) and a treatment plan can be developed.

Good luck.

Steven asks…

Hip pain - 16 years old?

I have had this hip problem for at least a year now. It usually will hurt after walking for a while or sitting down for a while like in the car. It gets really bad and I don't know what it is. I went to the foot doctor and he said I have high arches in my feet but it shouldn't be doing this to my hips. He said he wasn't sure but it might be illiotibial band syndrome. Does anyone know what it might be?
I'm not a runner but I do sports like lacrosse

admin answers:

Are you a runner? This appears to be the result of poor preparation and workouts before running. I found the following information in an article on the web:

Iliotibial band syndrome is an injury that has been seen over the past few years with increasing frequency. It appears to be related to weak hip abductor muscles. Strengthening the hip abductors and stretching the ITB and structures that attach in to it are usually the keys to recovering from this problem.

Symptoms and Causes:

Symptoms of the iliotibial band syndrome include pain or aching on the outer side of the knee. This usually happens in the middle or at the end of a run. A concomitant problem may occur at the hip called greater trochanteric bursitis. During flexion and extension of the knee the iliotibial band rubs over the femoral condyle which leads to irritation. Weak hip abductors, especially the gluteus medius is often found. Some other factors that may contribute to this syndrome include genu varum (bow legs), pronation of the foot (subtalar joint pronation), leg length discrepancy, and running on a crowned surface. We need to emphasize that over the past few years an association with weak gluteus medius muscles has been found in many runners with ITB syndrome.

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